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University of Utah Welcomes MUET Exchange Faculty

The first round of faculty have arrived from MUET as part of the USPCAS-W exchange program. Currently 6 faculty have come over to the United States for the spring semester with 4 housed at the U and 2 housed at CSU. Those on the exchange will be involved in research, a technical class, mentoring, a teaching engineering course, writing, social and cultural experiences, and a Globalocal seminar organized by USPCAS-W.

On Friday, January 22nd the first "Water: Globalocal Challenges" seminar was held. The goal of the seminar is to share knowledge and perspectives between US (Utah and Colorado) and Pakistan (Sindh) with respect to water quality, irrigation efficiency, water governance and decision-making, climate change, ground water, and water rights. It was attended by visiting faculty, members of USPCAS-W, along with graduate students and other interested parties. This session introduced the overall themes of the seminar and looked at some of the specific water challenges facing Pakistan.